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Welcome to Emmanuel Community School!

Our school is a special place:

Welcome to Emmanuel Community School!

Our school is a special place:

Three pupils and the headteach, Mr Reeves, walking and smiling

On behalf of all the staff, school governors, parents and our children, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our school website.

We know every day that Emmanuel Community School is a unique place, where every child’s uniqueness is embraced, nurtured, and developed. I am delighted to be the head teacher of this wonderful school, situated in the culturally and ethnically diverse district of Walthamstow.

We are very proud of our Christian distinctiveness, as this is the foundation of what makes us a truly special place to attend and work. At Emmanuel School, we ensure every child knows that they are loved and special in God’s eyes by ensuring that every child is known by name, where skills and creativity are refined and developed, and where children learn that they can make a difference.

I hope all you need to know about us is found here and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mrs J Sajuwa
Mrs J Sajuwa
Interim Headteacher & Safeguarding Lead

Emmanuel Community School
The Drive, Walthamstow
London E17 3BN

Head Teacher: Mr S Reeves

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