Geography and History Curriculum Overview

History Overview

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Reception – Red ClassFocus All About MeFocus: Chinese New YearPeople, Culture and Communities/ Past and Present

G: I know that maps contain information.

G: Explore and talk about the world using what I know from stories.

H: Talk about changes within my family’s lifetime.

H: Talk about the past e.g. no TV, photos, different clothes/toys etc.
People, Culture and Communities/ Past and Present

G: Begin to understand that communities are different and they may celebrate traditions and festivals.

G: Talk about some special places in our community.

H: Talk about members of my family and community.

H: Talk about what I have seen and heard in stories.
Focus: Mini BeastsFocus: Houses and homes
Year 1 – Orange ClassG: Our SchoolH: ToysH: Kings and QueensH: Great Fire of LondonG: Our Country G: Our local area
Year 2 – Yellow ClassG: What a wonderful worldH: Gunpowder PlotG: Sensational SafariH: Nurturing NursesG: Magical MappingH: Travel and Transport
Year 3 – Green ClassG: The UKH: The RomansG: UK Land UseH: Ancient EgyptG: Extreme EarthH: The Railways
Year 4 – Blue ClassG: All around the worldH: Crime and PunishmentG: Somewhere to settleH: Vikings and SaxonsG: WaterH: Anglo-Saxons and Scots
Year 5 – Indigo ClassH: Stone Age to Iron AgeG: Exploring Eastern EuropeH: Ancient GreeceG: Magnificent MountainsH: Local area studyG: Marvellous Maps
Year 6 – Violet ClassG: The Amazing AmericasH: World War 2G: Trade and EconomicsH: Mayan CivilizationG: Our Changing WorldH: Leisure and Entertainment


H = History
G = Geography
To alternate on a half-termly basis.

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